
IFAK — Refill Kit

  • Продаётся
  • Организация
  • Телефон: 435-979-2231
  • Страна: США
  • Город (округ): Delta, UT
  • Размещено: 11.05.2023 14:11
  • Истекает через: Это объявление истекло
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Be prepared at any moment with Predator Armor’s Individual First Aid Kit (IFAK). This medical kit provides necessary items to take action in a life-threatening emergency. A life-threatening accident or emergency can occur at any time, so you need to be ready when called upon. These accidents don’t just happen in combat zones or training; they can happen at any time during your regular daily routines. This could be a car accident, natural disaster, or intentional acts of violence. No matter the cause, the first few minutes following an injury are critical to saving a life — someone can bleed out in that time, before medical professionals arrive on scene.

The IFAK comes in a vacuum-sealed pouch and contains the necessary tools to treat life-threatening bleeding wounds.

Kit Contents:

1x Quikclot Bleeding Control Dressing — Z Fold
1x Responder Blue Gloves — Large
1x Hyfin (Vented) Chest Seal Dressing — Compact Twin Pack
1x Trauma Shears — Large
1x Emergency Survival Blanket
1x Responder Emergency Trauma Dressing — 6″

Идентификатор: 706645cbf446806a


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