Об xiansheng tang

The jammer is only suitable for a specific frequency range
Although wireless networks are convenient for people to access the Internet, the problems caused by wireless networks cannot be ignored. This is not o […]

How to protect your digital privacy?
Recently, criminals and urban guerrilla terrorists have become more frequent by using drones to support their illegal activities. They are using drone […]

How drone jammers work against drones?
If you’re concerned about the invasion of privacy by people flying drones unregulated, you’re not alone. As technology has developed, this […]

You need know GPS jammer
From ship navigation to financial transactions, we’re increasingly reliant on GPS,so,what you need to know about GPS interference. GPS Jamming GPS jam […]

drone jammer
This 10-antenna cell phone jammer is a powerful handheld interference device with a total power of 7W and an interference radius of up to 20 […]

Cell phone jammers are a well-known means of preventing cheating
In today’s life, 4G network and WIFI have become indispensable things in life. All mobile phones and computers must go through this channel if t […]

Corporate meetings start disabling phones with cell phone jammers
Phone ringtones make people more tired, especially in some quiet public places. In many places, the widespread use of mobile phones has banned the use […]

Do cell phone signal jammers have radiation problems?
The development of smartphone wireless network plays an important role in increasing the speed of development. Mobile phones can solve network problem […]

The demand for cell phone jammers is increasing year by year
With the popularity of mobile phones, the demand for mobile phone signal jammers in various conferences and exams has also increased significantly, an […]

Cell Phone Signal Jammers Can Block Ambient Noise Problems
Cell phone jammers can block cell towers, so all nearby phones will show no service. But once you turn off the jammer, all phones are […]

Cell phone jammers block some nasty signals
Almost everyone has a cell phone these days, the phone is ringing everywhere, and more and more people are tired of being interrupted by other […]

The strength of the mobile phone signal jammer has a great influence on the...
In this highly developed world, all kinds of temptations are everywhere. I hardly have time to enjoy my free time and enjoy the view outside. […]